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Well I, for one, am loving 2014…

We’re already 11 days into the new year, and it looks to be a good one from here. I’ve already traveled to visit friends (with another trip in the works), met some really cool new people, and reconnected with a few old friends. Annnndddd…I’ve made my New Year’s resolutions!!

My Resolutions for 2014:

  1. Come up with a daily schedule
  2. This is a big one. Because I do a few things part-time, my schedule is constantly changing, which isn’t very conducive to managing time efficiently. But I’d love to be the type of person who always wakes up, walks the dog, eats meals, and works on projects at certain set times in the day. This is my big goal for this year.

  3. Learn to give a good massage
  4. I admit, I have no idea how to give a good massage. I’ve been told I give a good backrub, but I really have no idea what I’m doing, and I’m afraid my backrubs are more about strength than sensuality. I’d like to change that.

  5. Start painting with oils again
  6. At first I set the goal to do a still life a week. That way, I’d get really bored with still lifes (still lives?) by March, and, having regained my proficiency in painting vases and flowers and books and things, I might be motivated move onto something more challenging. And if not, well then, at least I’d have 52 paintings of vases and flowers and books and things by the end of the year. But now that just seems like too many paintings, and an abandoned resolution in the making. So I’m leaving this one a little hazy for now.

  7. Travel more
  8. Travel used to be a big priority for me, but in the last few years it has sort of fallen by the wayside. I’d like to get out of town and enjoy a short vacation every once in a while.

  9. Finish at least one of my unfinished novels
  10. This one’s self-explanatory.

  11. Read more novels
  12. In 2013, most of my reading consisted of the short fiction in the New Yorker. I would like to get back into the habit of regularly reading full-length novels again.

  13. Make resolutions throughout the year, not just in the beginning
  14. Resolutions: They’re not just for New Year’s Day anymore.

That’s all I’ve come up with so far. I’d love to hear what goals my readers have set! Oh, and if there’s anything you think I should do in the coming year, feel free to comment below. Suggestions are always welcome ;)