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We all have our strengths…

…and we all have our weaknesses.

One of mine is auto-photography. I suck, suck, suck at the Art of the Selfie (selfie: n. photograph taken of oneself in an attempt to display one’s sexiness to online viewers of said photograph).

Regardless, here are a few attempts from last night. At least you can tell that I haven’t changed much…

My only somewhat-successful attempt to utilize the timer function on my little camera.

An unsuccessful attempt to do the same.

An attempt to show you how muscular my legs are. Hey, I ride a bike to work every day; I better have SOME evidence of that.

Watch as I very, very, very slowly treat you to a view of my underpants…

Just kidding!! You have to look at my legs again.

That’s mah belly!

The view from my boobs!

Well, there were tons of others, but most of them ended up looking weird because I was trying not to show my face, which of course necessitates contorting myself into odd, unnatural positions. Here’s an example:

Yeah. Not so sexy.

Oh well. So I suck at photographing myself. There are plenty of other things I’m good fantastic at ;)