New Orleans Escort & Courtesan

The most lovely surprise…

So I’ve been thinking that I should blog more often, and it just so happens that a topic arrived at my doorstep the other day.

The problem is, I didn’t recognize it for what it was. Upon returning from the gym, I found a smallish, unassuming package wrapped in cardboard. I brought it inside, placed it on my desk, and a bee-line for the (much needed) shower. Because I order things online often, I receive a few packages a week, so I’m never surprised to find one waiting for me.

I had a vague idea that it might be a new dog toy I’d ordered off of amazon, and since my dog is pretty spoiled, giving her a new gift/presenting her with a new present (sorry, I couldn’t help myself) wasn’t a priority. But I didn’t realize that this particular package contained something special until last night, when I finally opened it and found…

It’s a brand-new bottle of Tom Ford Black Orchid!!

What a lovely surprise! It’s a brand-spankin’-new bottle of Tom Ford Black Orchid, straight from My Amazon Wishlist!! It’s my favorite :)

So, thank you, thank you, thank you, to the lovely gentleman who sent me such a nice surprise. I’ll be seeing you soon