We all have our strengths…

…and we all have our weaknesses.

One of mine is auto-photography. I suck, suck, suck at the Art of the Selfie (selfie: n. photograph taken of oneself in an attempt to display one’s sexiness to online viewers of said photograph).

Regardless, here are a few attempts from last night. At least you can tell that I haven’t changed much…

Annie Calhoun, New Orleans Courtesan and Escort
My only somewhat-successful attempt to utilize the timer function on my little camera.

Continue reading “We all have our strengths…”

Hah! Listen up, Ignorant Misogynists: Jezebel’s Primer on What Sex Really Does to Your Vagina and…

Because I’m so freaking tired of hearing ignorant, misogynistic jokes about women who enjoy sex regularly, and/or mothers (who have had vaginal births) having “worn out” or “loose” vaginas, allow me to present, for your reading pleasure:

A brief lesson in anatomy:

It’s not the Hallway’s Fault: Jezebel’s Primer on What Sex Really Does (and Doesn’t Do) to Your Vagina and Butthole

You’re welcome!

<3 Annie